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Thank you, Emily. I watched most of the funeral too. I never met the Carters but wished I had. I live in Belton, Texas---sound familiar?

I am 70 years old and recently retired. We Christians, and especially my fellow Southern Baptists, have lost our minds. I just read Tim Alberta’s excerpt from his new book in The Atlantic. He is a “pastor’s kid” like I am, and what has happened to “evangelicals” as you well know is beyond belief. I am still in shock.

I have often been embarrassed to be a Baptist through the years, and especially the last 8 years or so(Robert Jeffress anyone?), but at least I could point to Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter and say, that is who Christians, even Baptist Christians, are--really. I voted for him twice, and I have never regretted it.

Thanks for remembering Mrs. Carter today. We sure need more Christ centered and other centered Christians like her in 2023. Too, too many “Christians” today seem to be the most self centered, cruel and downright hateful people around. How sad is that, and what a terrible witness to the unbelieving world.


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