You may have missed hitting "send", and even so here I am 6 days later finding your post lost in my inbox. Sometimes, life is just like that and wow has it been like that in our household lately. In other "news", how have I missed that your husband is a redhead?! I am too, and come from generations of them (both of my parents are redheads :)).
This line caught my attention: "It reminded me that there are neighbor-champions all over the world doing the hard, quiet, and persistent work of neighboring. I want to be friends with all them." Yes!!!! Hmm, which one am I? I'm not sure, I've never been great at categorizing myself. I'm definitely not the 2nd group, or at least I don't like being in that group, though I've found myself over and over as a "leader". Though I've never been good at "only" leading and not also working alongside those I'm leading. I prefer to be feet on the ground and with my hands getting dirty doing the work. While more and more I'm learning to use my voice and the place of privilege I have, to help others and encourage (influence?) those around me to do similarly. Thank you for sharing and the beautiful work you do!
You may have missed hitting "send", and even so here I am 6 days later finding your post lost in my inbox. Sometimes, life is just like that and wow has it been like that in our household lately. In other "news", how have I missed that your husband is a redhead?! I am too, and come from generations of them (both of my parents are redheads :)).
This line caught my attention: "It reminded me that there are neighbor-champions all over the world doing the hard, quiet, and persistent work of neighboring. I want to be friends with all them." Yes!!!! Hmm, which one am I? I'm not sure, I've never been great at categorizing myself. I'm definitely not the 2nd group, or at least I don't like being in that group, though I've found myself over and over as a "leader". Though I've never been good at "only" leading and not also working alongside those I'm leading. I prefer to be feet on the ground and with my hands getting dirty doing the work. While more and more I'm learning to use my voice and the place of privilege I have, to help others and encourage (influence?) those around me to do similarly. Thank you for sharing and the beautiful work you do!